02 6583 3533

After Your LANAP Treatment
One of the main benefits of LANAP treatment is a faster recovery time compared to other methods. LANAP is much less traumatic to the teeth and gumline than traditional gum surgery, so post-operative discomfort is reduced and the mouth heals more quickly. This means fewer days off work, and a typical recovery of less than 24 hours.
Post LANAP Instructions
After your periodontal procedure, we recommend that you take the following steps to minimise, and perhaps eliminate, any discomfort. Controlling inflammation is the key to comfortable healing.
Mouth Care
Anti-microbial rinses and antibiotic medications may be prescribed for you. Take any prescribed medications according to directions and continue taking until all medications are gone.
For the first 24 hours, take two (2) Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours even if you do not have any pain.
For the first 24 hours, apply ice to the affected cheek. This should be done in cycles alternating at 20 minute intervals. After the first day, repeat the cycle with warm, moist heat.
It is OK to spit, rinse, and wash your mouth the day of our treatment. Rinse as directed with Peridex or Periogard morning and night. In between, it is OK to rinse gently every three (3) hours with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of warm water). Do not brush or floss your teeth until instructed to do so.
Try to keep your mouth as clean as possible in order to help the healing process. Brush, floss, and follow other home care measures in all the areas of your mouth except for the surgery area.
Do not apply excessive tongue or cheek pressure to the surgery area.
Reduce physical activity for several hours following surgery. Please avoid physical activities for 2 to 3 days following surgery, such as basketball, running, heavy lifting, zumba, etc.
Avoid smoking for a minimum of three days (preferably two weeks) following surgery.
Diet Instructions
The first three (3) days following laser therapy, follow ONLY a liquid-like diet to allow healing. Anything that could be put into a blender to drink is ideal. The purpose of this is to protect the clot that is acting as a “band aid” between the gum and the teeth.
DO NOT drink through a straw, as this creates a vacuum in your mouth that can disturb the “band aid.” Take daily vitamins.
Four (4) to seven (7) days after treatment, eat food with a “mushy” consistency. These might include mashed potatoes or other steamed vegetables, mashed banana, mashed avocado, mashed/blended fruit except berries with seeds, broth or creamed soup, cottage cheese or cream cheese, creamy not crunchy peanut butter, eggs any style, jelly, pudding, ice cream, yoghurt, milkshakes and smoothies but no berries with seeds.
Seven (7) to ten (10) days after treatment, allowable soft foods may have the consistency of pasta, fish, chicken, or steamed vegetables. You may then gradually add back your regular diet choices.
Please remember that even after ten (10) days, healing is not complete. The first month following treatment, you should continue to make smart food choices. Softer foods are better.
It is also important to maintain good fluid intake during this period.
AVOID spicy, sharp and excessively hot foods.
DO NOT eat chewing gum, lollies, cookies, chips, nuts, anything hard or crunchy, anything that has seeds or hard pieces, meat that shreds and can lodge under the gum and between teeth, raw vegetables/salad.
Carefully avoid chewing food in the areas of the mouth where the laser has been used for at least one week following surgery. One of the most important results of laser surgery is the blood clots that form following surgery. It is extremely important not to dislodge the tiny clots that form in and around the gums.
What to Expect
Do not be alarmed if one of the following occurs:
Light bleeding
Slight swelling
Some soreness, tenderness, or tooth sensitivity
Unusual taste from prescribed mouthwash, or slight staining of teeth
Do not be alarmed with any colour changes or appearance of tissues following laser therapy. Tissues can be grey, yellow, red, blue, purple, “stringy” and reflect normal response to laser treatments.
Please call our office if you are experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms:
Prolonged or severe pain
Prolonged or excessive bleeding
Considerably elevated or persistent temperature
Do not be alarmed that beginning within two weeks after therapy and extending as long as one year or more, the teeth may become sore, tender, or sensitive as the bone and ligaments around the teeth regenerate and become more firm. This is a sign of healing, but may also indicate the presence of a bite imbalance that may need to be adjusted.
In some circumstances, a surgical pack is placed on the area to prevent food, trauma, and/or smoke from irritating the tissues. If a piece of the pack falls out or if the entire pack loosens or falls out, do not be alarmed; but do call and let us know.
Some oozing of blood may occur and will appear to be greatly exaggerated when it dissolves in saliva. Determine the site of oozing and place pressure on this area. If you cannot locate the origin of the bleeding, rinse your mouth gently with iced water and apply a wet tea bag to the general area. If excessive bleeding continues, please call the office.
If you have any questions, we urge you to call our office immediately on 02 6585 2015.
If you experience a medical emergency call 000.

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